A bold response to the crisis of values shaking the modern world
We defend the institution of the family, all good traditions, and the right to private ownership and free enterprise
We advocate ethical and moral values in society
We promote Christian socio-economic thought
We run targeted public awareness campaigns around specific issues
We are a publicly funded non-partisan civil association
Who we are
Australian TFP is an independent civil association that defends traditional values, the institution of the family, and the right to private property and free enterprise.
We defend tradition, the family, and the right to private property because they are necessary for the good ordering of society and the wellbeing of individuals; they are values written in the human heart and Natural Law; they are foundation stones of civilisation.
Australian TFP believes the many crises shaking the modern world are not a collection of incoherent random events. The facets of a great universal crisis caused by the decline of morality and loss of spiritual values.
Australian TFP proposes solutions based on Christian social and economic thinking. We carry out a range of activities to educate the public about the importance of tradition, the family, and private property in society.
Our program is also of interest to non-Christians because tradition, the institution of the family, and the right to private property are values written in the human heart and benefit the whole of society.
What we want
We defend tradition, the family and the right to property because they are essential for the development of a well-ordered and wholesome society. They are the bedrock of civilisation. We seek to build a cavillation based on these perennial values.
Australian TFP is informed by Christian economic and social philosophy. Its activities aim at promoting these. What we offer is of interest to non-Christians also as the values of tradition, the family, and private property are of benefit to all.
What we do
Australian TFP educates the public on the importance of good traditions, the institution of the family, and right to private property in society. We run targeted campaigns on specific issues around these values.
We publish in traditional and electronic media, conduct lectures, run direct mail campaigns, petitions, and lobbying events.
Australian TFP also takes its message to the public on the street. Our young volunteers distribute flyers and speak to passers-by about the burning issues of the day. The red capes worn by our volunteers, and our ruby-red standard with its golden lion, are a hallmark of our street campaigns. These symbols add panache to the event and inspire passers-by to ask about our message and take a flyer.
Our logo: the lion rampant
TFP’s lion calls to mind courage, strength, and honour. On its breast is a red cross, representing self-sacrifice and the spiritual values inspiring our movement. The lion stands on a red field, red being the colour of life and combativeness. The tall mast that carries our standard is topped by a golden fleur-de-lis representing the nobility of our ideals.
Place of Business:
A8, 101-115 Rookwood Rd
• Incorporated in New South Wales on 8 December 1988 under the Associations Incorporation Act 1984, 2009, 2010
• Australian Business Number 43194086375
• Australian Company Number 023609163
• ASIC registration number 023609163
• ACNC reporting under the Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission Act (2012)
• Tax exempt charity status granted on 1 July 2000
Australian TFP is managed by a committee elected at the Annual General Meeting of members.
Day-to-day operations are supervised by the General Manager.
How we are funded
Australian TFP is entirely funded by donations from well-wishers and the general public.
The institution of the family is the origin and leaven of human existence.
It is an essential prerequisite of progress. It is the very breath of life of the future!
(from The Christian Institution of the Family by Philip Moran)